The One about the Tomica Okatazuke Convoy

When it comes to Tomica, it’s one thing to think about the vehicles and the quality of the vehicles. But Takara Tomy also listens to parents of wanting to educate children of cleaning their own mess.

As evident with their recent Tomica World / Tomica Town releases which emphasizes easy clean up, the Tomica Okatazuke Convoy (Tomica Clean Up Convoy) is a vehicle that keeps that in mind.

The oversize big rig is a vehicle but it’s function is pretty much a case to hold 13 die-cast metal vehicles. Six on both sides, one inside the main vehicle compartment (through the front) and you also have a compartment on top to carry other things as well.

As you can see, there is a blue lever to lock the storage doors on the side in place. While a button on the left side will allow the car to roll down from the front.

There are also several stickers that need to be applied but nothing too difficult.

I have to say that this is something I wanted.  At first, I wanted the police version of this but the more time has passed and not wanting the prices to skyrocket, I decided to get this while it was affordable.

As you can see, various vehicles of different size widths can fit and the dividers (a total of four) can be removed, just in case you need to fit a longer width vehicle.

For the most part, I feel for parents, this is a good way for children to organize their vehicles without having to resort to the boring cases.  You literally have a convoy which many vehicles can be stored.  And a front cabin that can store a vehicle and other smaller things.

Granted, it’s not a realistic scale, but it wasn’t meant to be.  This was meant to be a case, but instead of a standard, boring case, you get an actual vehicle that can roll.

So, you can look at this as a case or a vehicle, nevertheless your children should be pleased with it and it will keep them organized.

Definitely recommended!