The One about the Jehezkel 12 Pack Pickleball Balls (40 Holes)

As you probably have heard, a sport that has grown tremendously through the pandemic and has become a legitimate competitive sport which athletes and celebrities are investing in it…Pickleball has exploded in popularity worldwide that you and old are enjoying.

What was less than a dozen pickleball companies have exploded to thousands of companies worldwide. So, the question is whether or not these are legit or not.

For those who are hoping to invest in extra pickleballs, just know that average, they go about almost $2.50 per ball.  If you can get it for under, that’s a great price!

With the Jehezkel 12 Pack Pickleball Balls (40 Holes), these are USA Pickleball standard (it’s important to note that they are not USPA approved, but they are standard) and feature no logos.

I use these balls for practice, especially for practicing on walls.  I need inexpensive pickleballs that I can buy in big quantities and use them for practice purposes.

You can also choose from different colors (they have blue, orange, pink, etc.) and choose between indoor and outdoor.

So, what are the differences?

26 Holes is for indoor play (holes are bigger) and are softer, 40 holes is for outdoor play (holes are smaller) and is a bit more thicker in order to not get caught by wind. Both play differently, so know which one to get.

If you are needing practice balls and are needing inexpensive pickleballs, then the Jehezkel 12 Pack Pickleball Balls (40 Holes) is recommended.