The One about “BRINK Traveler” for the Oculus Quest 2

One of the things that I enjoy checking out through VR via my Oculus Quest 2 and “BRINK Traveler” from BRINK XR is one of the recent releases that has captivated my attention.

What makes this app so exciting is that it doesn’t use 360 video or an 4K or 8K static image, this utilizes hi-resolution photogrammetric captures. It’s just amazing of how you can go behind a rock formation or get closeup to a rock formation and no matter how close you get or how far back you stand, there is no visual artifacts.

But what makes me excited about this application is the potential. Right now, BRINK Traveler takes you to locations that are not as easily accessible for people and some that are closed off and need special permission to see.

The fact that the developers continually update and add to the software is another plus.

And considering the price, this is easily a 5-star release and a must buy!

But what would I add to make the game even more exciting?

Personally, here are my thoughts of what I would like to see:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Videos – I would love to see for each spots including “Behind-the-Scenes” making of videos.  It’s one thing to get immersed and look at the locations around, but I would love to see almost like a Director’s commentary when you watch a film for its special features, it would be great to hear from the staff on their thoughts when they visit the location, the challenges it was to shoot the location and create the scene.  I would love to see this insight.
  • More International Inclusion – As a worldwide traveler, I have my limits.  And I don’t know if I would be able to climb locations such as Mt. Fuji or to be in the Swiss Alps. It would be great to see more international settings.
  • City Landscapes – As there are many locations of nature, there are people who want an experience of being in metropolitan cities areas that they can visit now or ever.  Many thousands of people visit areas such as the Empire State Building in New York or Shibuya Sky in Tokyo, to be high up and look at the city landscape during the day and night.  This would be cool to see!
  • Beach Landscapes – As a surfer, I would love to be in Hawaii to see the North Shore, Mavericks in California, Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia and other locations.  I would love to have the experience of being at a beach I once visited or would love to visit and feel that experience day and night.  Hear the waves crashing, seagulls and environments.
  • Working with Locals to Showcase Special Areas – One of the concern is that there are areas that people want to visit but locals would love to discourage many travelers because they look at such areas to be spiritual for their area.  Certain areas of Mauna Kea or Mauna Loa in Hawaii, working with locals to film these areas via photogrammetric captures.  People can visit through VR and be educated on the history and the cultural importance of the locations.
  • BRINK Traveler Series DLC – For the amount of traveling and work and the fact that the application is offered so cheaply, even with the free additions, I would love to see this series grow and of course, to cover such vast areas doesn’t come cheap.  I wouldn’t mind paying extra for DLC for “Nature Series”, “Mountain Series”, “Beach Series”, “City Landscape Series”, etc. featuring numerous settings per series.

Overall, a lot of potential for a fantastic application!  A 5-Star release which I highly recommend!

BRINK Traveler is a virtual travel experience that takes you to amazing natural locations in full 3D to feel like you’re really there. Step into a postcard and visit some of the most breathtaking places on Earth today!

• 18 incredible spots to see across 12 locations including Horseshoe Bend, White Pocket, Mount Morrison, Mount Whitney, Alabama Hills, The Wave, Arches National Park, Death Valley National Park (North & South), Antelope Canyon, Crystal Crag, Haifoss Iceland, and more locations coming soon.
• A virtual guide to teach you about your surroundings
• Collect points of interest
• Shoot photos to share with friends
• Download only the locations you wish to see
• Regular content updates with more locations to come