The One about “Scientifica Historica: How the world’s great science books chart the history of knowledge”

For those interested in science, it’s often interesting to read about the perspectives towards science from the ancient world all the way up to our current present time.

Brian Clegg’s book “Scientifica Historica: How the world’s great science books chart the history of knowledge” looks back into the past and explores the scientific pioneers of the time, discoveries and more!

Clegg breaks up the book in the following chapters:

  1. Ancient World
  2. Renaissance in Print
  3. Modern Classical
  4. Post-Classical
  5. The Next Generation

For me, the ancient world is quite interesting, because scientists really went all out to learn about the world based on hypothesis way without modern technology.  So, to see how things evolved from stories or books recorded in stone, made in clay, made on plaster, papyrus and later for paper.

From documents to recording the map of the world, planetary motions, and also the anatomy of a human.  And of course, seeing how mathematics came into play and much more, it’s quite fascinating to see how scientists were from the eras and the types of things that were done before modern technology would be utilized.

Included are many images of illustrations, maps and photos which made the book even more captivating.

Overall, Brian Clegg’s “Scientifica Historica: How the world’s great science books chart the history of knowledge” is a wonderful book about science, key figures of the time, examples of their inventions or ambitions to wonderful illustrations and much more!

Definitely recommended!