The One about the Phantom Aquatics Semi Dry Snorkel

I was able to test out the Phantom Aquatics semi dry snorkel this weekend and before I go on to the review, if you don’t have the goggles, you can purchase the Phantom Aquatics Panoramic Scuba Snorkeling Dive Mask here. You can purchase a goggle and snorkel together, but the snorkel is not the semi dry version offered here. You can purchase a plethora fins, such as the Phantom Aquatics Speed Sport Adjustable Snorkeling Fin.

For those wanting to go snorkeling, what we have here is the Phantom Aquatics Semi Dry Snorkel. This is a side snorkel that attaches to your mask, not a center snorkel.

The reason why this is called a semi dry is that it is splash proof, not water proof (as you are going to get water inside if you go underwater) but it has a splash-proof dry guard which helps eliminate water intake.

One of the big positives is that the buckle is a quick release to connect to your mask and is attached. So, know major messing around with the buckle, it’s quick, easy and buckles should be that simple when putting the mask on and separating.

I like the easy purge and extra large self draining chamber to breathe and also blow out water.

The flexible silicone portion is about two inches and it is somewhat lengthy, especially if you are used to a solid one-piece snorkel. But it’s not to invasive and the mouthpiece is replaceable.

It’s a solid construction but I wouldn’t keep it out under hot weather too long, keep it in your scuba bag when not in use.

But the best part of this snorkel is it’s price at under $13. Granted, add the mask and it comes out to $40.

I saw someone had a problem with the purge valve sucking in water. I haven’t had that issue at all, but I checked the Phantom Aquatics website and they do offer warranty details, repair or replacement and the person who had problems within a week, should contact them for a replacement.

Overall, the Phantom Aquatics Semi Dry Snorkel is well-made, durable and worked very well. Again, this is not a center snorkel, this is not water-proof, it’s splash-proof. Beginners looking into this snorkel, get your mask and fins if you don’t own them already and you are good to go!