Remember to search “3.11” on Yahoo! Japan’s Search Engine to raise money for those affected by the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster

Since 2014, Yahoo! Japan has been one of few companies that have continued to raise money for those affected by the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011.

On that fateful day, more than nearly 2,000 people died, nearly 120,000 people were displaced. Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi prefectures were hit the hardest, with Fukushima having the highest death toll by 54%.

And because of the prolonged evacuation and displacement and depression that came after, numerous people grew into despair died of suicide.

Yahoo! Japan began their campaign in 2014 to encourage people to search for 3.11 on March 11th. For every person who does so, Yahoo! Japan will donate 10 yen ($9 cents) to Tohoku’s Recover Support Organization.

Yahoo! has raised Y25,683,250 ($216,000) for charitable organizations and they are continuing the campaign in 2018 by building awareness with a new video.

The video depicts “What if families lived March 11, 2011 as a normal day?”.