The One about the TOMIX 4220 (Dohrin Cinemas/Sports Field Rerailer) Medium Building

I have been looking for an N Gauge medium sized building for my diorama and wanted a cinema-based building, so I went for the TOMIX 4220 (Dohrin Cinemas/Sports Field Rerailer) Medium Building.

What is cool about this building is that it functions as two businesses, Dohrin Cinemas on one side and Sports Field Rerailer on the other.

What I love about this set is because it has the nice large windows one one side and you get the glass windows at the bottom.

You get a good amount of stickers for the windows as display which is a plus.

But what I love about this building is that you can open the buildings (the top can be removed, the center section can be separated), so you can put people and lighting.  Currently, I installed a small puck light inside, so I can control it via remote.  So, I get a good amount of lighting and for the most part, I’m really glad I made the choice to buy this building.

At the time I bought it, it was Y1268 (about $9.55) on Amazon Japan, so that’s a perfect price point for me.

Overall, an inexpensive, cool TOMIX building worth owning!