The One about the Dario Blood Pressure Monitor Gen2

I took my time to review the Dario Blood Pressure Monitor Gen2 because I wasn’t sure if the results were correct, but I will say that I am grateful for this device because it may have helped save my life.

When I tested the device, I was showing a high systolic/diastolic.

Being a guy who had been healthy since the pandemic, I have put on weight and for the first half of 2022, have dealt with a lot of stress.

From 117/74, when I used the this blood pressure monitor, I was 155/104 which is not good. And it kept regularly showing around 140-150/low 100s.

When I went to see my doctor, it was confirmed. My blood pressure had skyrocketed. The device was correct. And I immediately am being scheduled for tests and I have to say, I wouldn’t have known unless I had this blood pressure monitor, otherwise, my next doctor’s appointment was four months away.

So, now I have been using the Dario Blood Pressure Monitor Gen2 daily because I am keeping a log of things.

But this is what I enjoy about this blood pressure monitor, for one, after you download the Dario app and fill out all the settings, once you pair the device to your smartphone, you can instantly sync the device and it will upload the information to your smartphone.

Not just this but it appears other Dario hardware can sync to the app. Which is great, because when I visited the doctor and they had questions of the past weeks numbers, I had it already to show.

And the same goes for Blood Glucose (if you have the monitor) or weight (if you have the scale). This is very useful!

But the blood press monitor is easy to use. Just put the strap, make sure you have room for a finger to fit in and it’s facing correctly (there are markers and the artery marker goes down the center of your arm, so it was easy to align). And then press the start/stop and that’s it.

It detects IHB (Irregular Heartbeat) and will notify you during measurement and also has an Arrhythmia Detecting BP – Irregular heartbeat (IHB) is detected during a measurement, which alerts you to the condition.

As emphasized by Dario, the device does not replace a cardiac examination but serves to detect pulse irregularities at an early stage.

But now my lifestyle has changed to the point where I’m working out more, aiming back to shed the pounds, get fit and lower my blood sugar and blood pressure.

But I will say, I’m grateful that I had this device. Or else I would have never known.

The Dario Blood Pressure Monitor Gen2 is recommended!