The One about the Black/White Photo Series 006: A Young Woman Near the Stairway

I was in San Francisco and finished interview and photo shoot with a Japanese music group. While walking out, I saw a guy taking photos of his female friend with his smartphone.

One thing I like about street fashion photography is the element of meeting someone, asking if you can take their photo and see what kind of photos you can get with the short amount of time, with the scenery that is just right there and make it work.

So, I asked if I can take a photo of her and she and her photographer said yes.

For me, I love the thrill of  barely enough time and see what type of photos you can come up with.  Because there are times when I need to interview someone and management tells you, you only have this time allotted.   So, if you have 15-30 minutes, you’re going to have to make that time count.  I’ve been doing this long enough to have longer times allotted for me compared to other media, so I’ve been very fortunate.  But sometimes you just have to be ready, because you might not have much time at all or the conditions are just not that good (ie. noisy area, bad lighting, etc.).

That gives you so much time for an interview and knowing which questions to ask and knowing your own skill and what you can accomplish.  This led me to take on the challenge in Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan of taking portraits of 25 women in a half hour span.