The One about the ANNAPRO Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap

For today’s review, I am looking at the ANNAPRO Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap.

This headstrap is for those who don’t want to use the headstrap that comes with the Oculus Quest 2, don’t want to fork out the $49 for the Oculus Elite Strap.

This is for those who want an inexpensive headstrap that can be adjusted/tightened for under $34! And that is where the ANNAPRO Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap comes in.

This is a head strap which comes with the main head strap, a dust cover and lens cleaning pen (yes, the same type that is used to clean an expensive camera lens).

The first thing I will emphasize in this review, before you install this head strap and this is important. DO NOT try to remove the plastic portion on your Oculus Headset 2 that is connected to the device, because those are your headphones for the Oculus and if you snap it, you broke your Oculus Quest 2. So, with that out of the way, let’s get to the main review.

The first step is that you want to remove the goggle portion on the device and then remove your old head strap. Please be careful when removing your old head strap (yes, I am going to emphasize again)!

The head strap is well-made. The strap on the top is velcro like the original headstrap, which goes through the top portion behind the goggle, so you can easily adjust it.

The next part is there is a padding that has velcro that you can position and put behind the back head area as padding for comfort. This is a major plus and glad this was included.

The next step is now to attach the sides to the side portion of the Oculus Quest 2 and they will snap in. Once you get it on, then adjust the head strap and then turn the dial behind your head and that’s it!

It’s fairly easy to install, to use and it works great! Again, just be careful when you remove your oldstrap and if you ever plan to remove this headset. But it fits perfectly on the new Oculus Quest 2 and it works great it preventing floppiness.

I also like the material used and makes it easy to clean.  Unlike the original headstrap which people get sweat on and looks disgusting when you see others that have it dirty and brown. So, another reason to get this head strap!

But with the added accessories that help protect the lenses is great to have and makes the ANNAPRO Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap a great value, especially at under $34!

Highly recommended!