The One about the TellmeGen Children DNA Test

While most of my family have done a DNA test with a well-known genealogy website, for my son, I wanted him to try the TellmeGen Children DNA Test.

With this DNA test, you get a good amount of information that other companies don’t share with you (unless you share it with another service), with the TellmeGen Children DNA Test, you get information on Disease Prediposition, Monogenic Disease, Personal Traits and Wellness, Ancestry and DNA Connect.

The DNA kit comes with an instruction booklet, two swabs to collect the saliva from the sides of the mouth and a shipping bag to send the DNA kits back to the laboratory.

This makes thing a lot easier to use swabs as I know there are those who have issues with spitting enough saliva into a vial (which is then mixed with another fluid).

The price is about $150, which may seem high for a DNA test, but its important to note that you get more information aside from ancestry, you get to learn of genetic predisposition to complex diseases or if the person is a carrier of a monogenic disease, personality traits and more.

So, it’s definitely worth considering and I do feel that tellmeGen kits does give a great value for what they offer and the tellmeGen raw data can be downloaded in .csv format and shared on other websites if needed.

It does take 4-6 weeks to get results, no different from the major genealogy services that offer DNA testing.

But overall, I like the fact that this tellmeGen offers more than other DNA testing services.