The One about the American Standard Supplements Melatonin (22MG) with Vitamin B-6 and L-Theanine

When it comes to sleep, I have to admit that I had to retrain myself to get more hours of sleep because I was not getting enough.

But there are times when I need to get good sleep and somehow Melatonin is something I like taking, as it really calms and relaxes me and when I wake up, it’s a much easier feeling than with a sleeping pill which makes me want to sleep even more.

With the American Standard Supplements Melatonin (22MG) with Vitamin B-6 and L-Theanine , you get 120 vegan tablets and it has a natural berry flavor. But it’s also one that comes with Vitamin B-6 (which helps regulate moon and memory) and L-Theanine (which is found in plants, especially mushrooms. But these help transmit nerve impulses to the brain and supposedly de-stresses people and calms them).

Overall, the American Standard Supplements Melatonin (22MG) with Vitamin B-6 and L-Theanine is a dietary supplement worth giving a try!