The One about My Favorite Blog Sites and YouTube channels about Investing, Earning Passive Income and Early Retirement

As a person who believes in investing for the future, earning passive income and also early retirement, I have looked to the following websites for inspiration.

I’m not talking about sites that are position to sell their services (nothing wrong with that) but focused on sites that are wanting to share their experiences to educate and inspire people through their blog posts.

To access the site, please click on their blog or name (Note: On individual names, I list things in alphabetical order of their first name initial, than the usual last name).

Here are my favorites:

Adventuring Along

A website about two people who quite their jobs at the age of 29 to raise their children and travel the world and
experience whatever life has in store.

Andre Jikh

Andre Jikh may have become a millionaire through cryptocurrency, but he gives good advice on investing smart and saving money.

The Average Joe Investor

If you are a person who needs inspiration from an “Average Joe” who invests in index funds and dividend stocks, definitely check out the Average Joe Investor.

Charlie Chang

Charlie Chang has a YouTube channel on how he earns income especially his journey of how he went from $800 to $8600 per month. Cool YouTube channel!

Chris Reining

The blog by Chris Reining who retired at the age of 37. An inspiring blog with a lot of cool information!

Dividend Diplomats

Two guys, Lanny and Bert, who are in their Mid-20’s in a race to gain more time now before they hit 59.5 years of age for the “normal” retirement age.

Dividend Growth Investor

An informative, data-driven blog by a long term buy and hold investor focusing on dividend investing.

The Dividend Pig

A dividend site created by middle level manager Blake who wants to retire early and Hank Coleman, entrepreneur and finance writer. What I like is how transparent they are when it comes to their dividend purchases.

Dividend Power

A website by a self-taught individual investor who has been investing in stocks for 20 years. Great site for those who want to learn about earning passive income through dividends.

Erika Kullberg | YouTube channel

Erika Kullberg is an award winning corporate lawyer who dedicated her life to her job until her grandfather was not doing well and when she needed time off, her job refused and she made a decision that would change her life. She quit her high paying job, would become the founder of the online legal company, Plug and Law, became a successful YouTuber and an investor. Check out her site and YouTube!

The European View Blog

Quite often when you see dividend blogs, it’s often from the US, Canada or Asia, but this one is from Europe, in English. Very informative!

Fresh Dividends

A fantastic dividend blog from DIY dividend investor Cara. A very awesome site for those who are just starting and want to get into investing and make smart decisions. Cara shares her experience which features a combination of successes and misssteps.

Fresh Life Advice

Fresh Life Advice is about a guy who is in his 20s whose goal is to retire early and achieve financial independence. Cool website and inspiring to see his way of achieving passive income.

Graham Stephan

Inspiring of how Graham became a multi-millionaire in his 20s. Sure, frugality is his thing but watching his videos, you learn a lot!

Investing with Rose | YouTube Channel

Rose Han is a former trader at Wall Street and now a successful investor who uses her financial skills to help others through her YouTube channel. Rose represents the lives of many people who lived an extravagant life and also going broke, but then had a financial awakening to change her life around.

Jessica Moorhouse | More Money Podcast

Jessica Moorhouse is a huge money nerd from Canada and became a personal finance expert and Accredited Financial Counsellor Canada. She is an award-winning blogger, host of the More Money Podcast and found of the Millennial Money Meetup.

Let’s Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA | My Stock Market Basics

The thing that I like Joseph Hogue’s videos on YouTube is that he is giving financial advice which many would charge for. He is willing to help people invest and his videos are worth watching!

Mad Fientist

The blog by Brandon who retired at the age of 34. A solid blog with information and also he has a podcast!

Meet Kevin

Kevin Paffrath is very fascinating. He worked hard and became a multi-millionaire. He’s an investor that gives an understandable take on finances and investing and his YouTube video posts are sometimes numerous per day.

Millenial Money

The successful website of Grant Sabatier who retired at 30 with $1.25 million. He is the author of the book “Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All t he Money You Will Ever Need”. A site with a lot of awesome information!

The Money Habit

A personal finance blog of J.P. Livingston, who built a nest egg of more than $2 million before retiring at the age of 28-years-old. A lot of good information from Livingston o his website!

Mr. Crazy Kicks

A blogger who retired at the age of 34. Mr. Crazy Kicks gives good advice on travel hacking.

Mr. Free at 33

Jason Fieber achieved financial independence and retired in his early ’30s. His site covers cover stock analyses, market news, dividend updates and the dividend growth investing strategy.

Mrs. Dow Jones

Mrs. Dow Jones is one of the most interesting personal finance personalities on YouTube. She has a unique style of communication and makes her YouTube channel fun to watch. But she gives a lot of great advice on how to save money.

Mr. Tako Escapes

Mr. Tako Escapes is a website about a financial independent father of 2 boys and reached his financial independence at the age of 38 and he and his wife retired and live a life through passive income through dividends. He earned his money the hard way, one at a time, one penny at a time and making smart financial decisions.

An inspiring website, especially his monthly dividends report!

My Dividend Dynasty

A Dividend website created by Robert, a Dividend Growth Investor and his journey to achieve financial independence and freedom. Quite informative!

Our Rich Journey

My favorite couple YouTube channel when it comes to early retirement, saving money and making money through smart investing.

Passive Income Investing

An inspiring and educational website on Passive Income Investing from a Canadian Couple who have grown an impressive portfolio value.

Private Eye Capital

Eric Bokota is the co-founder at Private Eye Capital and he gives his investment ideas for free on Private Eye Capital. Private Eye Capital focuses on uncovering very low risk publicly traded REIT and equity opportunities which have significant upside potential for long term investors.

A Purple Life

“A Purple Life” is a blog by a person who started their blog and hatched a plan to retire in ten years at the age of 35. That same person reached their goal in half the time at the age of 30 in 2020. While unlike others who try to have an income over a million, the person’s goal was to retire at 500,000 income and they accomplished it!

Rob Berger

When it comes to finance YouTube channels, Rob Berger is my favorite. For one, he writes professionally for finance magazines, he is the author of “Retire Before Mom & Dad” and you want financial tips and suggestions from someone who knows and does the research. A YouTube channel worth following.

Roots of Good

Roots of Good is about a family man who retired at the age of 33 back in 2013. While working, he and h is wife consistently pumped their savings into 401k’s, IRA’s, HSA’s, 529’s and regular brokerage accounts. These investments grew enormously over roughly ten years and made them financially independent today. Smart!

Shelby Church

Shelby Church is a tech and lifestyle YouTuber, but it’s always interesting to see how she made her income!


Tawcan is a blog site by a a husband and wife dividend investors and they started in 2011 with a dream of living off dividends in their 40s. Their portfolio generates over $2,250 dividend per month which covers 55% of their expenses. Really cool blog!


Ex-Google/ex-Facebook tech lead is a multi-millionaire app entrepreneur, digital nomad traveler, software engineer and you have to love his dry humor!

Tyler McMurray

Tyler McMurray talks about how he earns income, but one thing that I liked about his YouTube channel is that he talks from the heart and talks about things he learned along the way, what he adjusted as time goes by. So, it’s good to hear him discuss his own personal experience.

WhiteBoard Finance

Marko at WhiteBoard Finance is another who gives great advice for people on how to manage their personal finances, investing and more! Awesome videos worth watching!