The One about the JGO Japanese Language Card Game for Beginners!

So, when I get opportunities to try Japanese language learning tutorials or tools, I’m all for it.

For one, having studied Japanese for years in college and home learning through a plethora of books, software and audio and watching Japanese television and language apps and so forth, I’ve reviewed many Japanese language-related things.

And here I am with the JGO Japanese Language Card Game for Beginners!

Now, when the words “Beginner” are used, the first thing one must think is, oh…this is level 0 and starting off right from the beginning.  Personally, I think these cards are great for those who have learned Japanese through their first quarter/semester in college or have gone through a beginner book or those who need to catch up on their Japanese.  Also, those who have learned kana (Hiragana/Katakana) and also maybe a little kanji.

There are to ways I feel these cards can be used.  One as a refresher course for oneself.

The other is the JGO Card Game in which players get 7 cards each.  Place the remaining cards on the table and on your turn, play a card that matches the previous card’s rank or color.  And through asking questions form the cards and use of action cards, the first person to play all their cards win.

For the most part, I like it as a game and also as a refresher. The first card is: Anata – Onamae wa nan desk ka? _______ desu. (What is your name? My Name is [say your name]).

If you studied beginning Japanese, this would be easy to answer. But if you never studied Japanese before, then this card game is not for you. Also, while the romanji helps to read the Japanese, the goal is also to read in Japanese. Again, that’s all part of the learning process of the Japanese language earlier on.

So, if anything, this is a cool game for those who are learning beginning Japanese but also those who want to refresh their memory of Japanese they learned in the past.

At under $12, the JGO Japanese Language Card Game for Beginners is worth checking out!