FISH/AQUARIUM: The One about Fluval Bug Bites Color Enhancing Formula Flakes for Fish

For today’s review, I am going to review the Fluval Bug Bites Color Enhancing Formula Flakes for Fish.

While I believe the company’s Fluval Bug Bites featuring Spirulina is fantastic, one of the reasons why I wanted to use this fish food is primarily to see if it enhances the colors of my guppies.

According to Fluval:

Fluval Bug Bites is a complete fish food that features a unique insect-based formulation, enriched with multiple quality proteins and carbohydrates that are ideal for tropical fish such as bettas, goldfish, cichlids, guppies, and tetras. Bug Bites’ daily diet color enhancing formula contains a significant amount of shrimp (a source of astaxanthin), which boosts the natural pigmentation in tropical fish. Insects are hunted by fish in the wild as they offer a widely available food source.

The instinctive feeding habit is the foundation behind Bug Bites, which are formulated with nutrient-rich insect larvae and enriched with multiple quality proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Most freshwater fish are omnivores and regularly feed on insects in the wild. However, not all insects are created equally when it comes to a fish’s diet.

Bug Bites are formulated with sustainably harvested Black Soldier Fly Larvae (#1 ingredient across all formulas), which are raised on fruits and vegetables for exceptional “super food” nutrition.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae is often used to convert waste into animal feed and the Fluval Bug Bites contains up to 40% nutrient rich Black Soldier Fly Larvae.

And the flakes are high in proteins and rich in Omega 3 and 6, as well as filled with vitamins such as A, D3, E and C.

But overall, what I like about it is that it’s  offered for under $4 (for a .63 oz container, which is the normal sized, smaller container compared to other competitors fish flakes), much cheaper than other brands of fish flakes from competitors.

So, for the price and the quality at under $4, the Fluval Bug Bites Color Enhancing Formula Flakes for Fish is recommended!