The One about KAWAII MONSTER CAFE HARAJUKU Part 2: Burlesque Night – Prepare to Stand and Find the Best Place to Watch the Performance Up Close!!

So, here we are with part 2 of my coverage of Kawaii Monster Cafe Harajuku – Burlesque Night (Thursday Night)!

One of the things I recommended is getting your tickets in advance, as mentioned in the first part, by ordering through Voyagin.

Once you get in, get acquainted with the surrounding, take some photos until the show begins.

But once you are in, this is the part that is going to be first come, first serve.

Many people who are going for the first time are not know what they are going to expect, so many people will pick seats that in different locations.  Groups way to back, people looking for a convenient table but to be truthful, the area that you want to be is closer to the cake and near the pole dancing

I understand the convenience of sitting in the tables, especially if you are there to eat…but try eating before you get to the venue. Or order your drinks and food and eat/drink first before moving up to the stage area.

May you be walking up and ditching your table to stand up in the front, the thing to expect is when the dancing begins, if you are sitting in the tables, more than likely YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SEE ANYTHING.

To best illustrate this, here is how things were early if you do get a table:

At first you think to yourself, “Oh, this is a good spot to watch the performance”.

Then you start to see the Japanese women start to show up and stand.  [For those who never been to a Japanese burlesque shows, its a bit different than the USA which is primarily men in the audience.  In Japan, Japanese women are a big part of a show’s customers.  Some who want to work in the industry and those who just love the dancing or are supporting friends who are dancers].

Once the Japanese girls start standing to watch, others follow.  While those on the tables are not sure what’s going on and still feel they will have a good view of the performance.

And then your table view, will have this view instead….

So, it’s very important to stand and get your position if you want to see the performance!  Do not depend on table seating for a great view!

Once the dancing started, people who were sitting down in the tables began complaining that they couldn’t see.  And these people are the ones you are probably going to see disgruntled reviews and posts because they didn’t see the show.  And after the first performance, those who didn’t want to make the effort of getting closer, just left disgruntled.

All they were able to enjoy was the food and drink and missed the performance.

And as I keep mentioning about Japan, themed cafe’s are not about the food, they are about the entertainment.

And as people left, thinking there was just one performance, how it works is one performance, then probably a 20 minute break and then another performance then a break and then the final performance.  So, while it started at 8, I was out of the cafe a little before 11 p.m. (it’s important to note that despite it being later, expect the trains to be busy around that time, because all the late workers, night owls and the bar hoppers are also going home as well.).

So, in tomorrow’s post, I will discuss more about what kind of performances one can see on Burlesque Night.  And here is a video giving you a taste of what you can see at Kawaii Monster Cafe Harajuku at Burlesque Night: