The One about the Memorial Monument for Hiroshima, City of Peace Cenotaph for the A-Bomb Victims

Today is the anniversary in Hiroshima when the A-Bomb was detonated over the city and killed thousands of people.

In memory of those who died and those who lived with the scars, the burns, the sickness that came along with the dropping of the bomb, today’s post will be about the Memorial Monument for Hiroshima, City of Peace Cenotaph for the A-Bomb Victims.

The monument embodies the hope that Hiroshima, devastated on August 6, 1945 by the world’s first atomic bombing will stand forever as a city of peace.  The stone chamber in the center contains the Register of the Deceased A-Bomb Victims.

The inscription on the front panel offers a prayer for the peaceful repose of the victims and a pledge on behalf of all humanity to never repeat the evil of war.  It expresses the spirit of Hiroshima – enduring grief, transcending hatred, pursuing harmony and prosperity for all and yearning for genuine, lasting world peace.

The cenotaph is located at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.

People all over the world lined up to give their prayers to the victims.

Directly in the center of the Cenotaph, you can see the Genbaku Dome (Atomic Bomb Dome).