The One about the Chaimati CTC Orange Pekoe Tea (BOP Grade)

The latest tea I have had a chance to try is the Chaimati CTC Orange Pekoe Tea, a high caffeine content tea that will no doubt awaken your senses and you get a lot of tea to make around 350 cups.

There is no fat, not sugar, no artificial color and the tea is grown from leaves grown in Himalayas.

Despite its name, Orange Pekoe is not made from oranges, it’s actually a classification of black tea upon the origin of the leaf.  To be classified as pekoe, the tea must be composed purely of new leaf buds (flush) plucked with two youngest leaves.

As for the orange, that was probably from a term when the Dutch royal family was known as the House of Orange and the Dutch East India Company brought teas to Europe and the best black teas were saved for the royal family, thus being called orange teas (thought of as tea for the royals).

This tea is BOP grade, which is broken orange pekoe.  The best being TGFOP (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe), so in terms of grade…it’s kind of at the bottom but considering you are getting a big jar for under $15, you can expect high quality but you do get a flavorful tea, just not the top high grade quality.

It’s a loose leaf tea sealed in a PET jar and all you need is a teaspoon, hot water and I use a french press to make my tea.

I’ve tried Masala Chai, so this is my first time trying Chaimati’s Orange Pekoe Tea. It’s a classic tea flavor, I can tell you that.  Not too bitter and if anything, it’s just right.

I drink it as is, without sugar and I find it to be flavorful.

For the most part, I do like it.

Overall, if you are open to trying a flavorful, inexpensive tea, definitely give Chaimati’s Orange Pekoe tea a chance!