The One about Vahdam Teas Turmeric Ashwagandha

I am trying my second tea from Vahdam Teas, their Turmeric Ashwagandha.

Back in 2014, Vahdam Teas was born.  For Bala Sarda, the founder of the company, being the 4th generation of his family to run a tea business in India, he learned that tea passes through multiple middlemen before reaching its consumers and felt the prime freshness and flavor of the tea was lost.

In addition, tea growers in India are plagued with low wages, poor education and so Vahdam wanted to help solve these problems by procuring directly from plantations and farmers within days of harvest and package fresh from their BRC facility and then shipped to fulfillment centers in various parts of the world and eliminating the middlemen but also dedicating 1% of their revenue to the farmer’s children via their social initiatives.

In addition is ecologically conscious and measure their plastic and carbon footprint each year as they are a climate neutral and plastic neutral certified brand.

So, this is a high quality tea company from India and the Turmeric Ashwagandha which is made of 100% natural ingredients.

Ashwagandha is known as Indian Ginseng and has been used for over 3,000 years to relieve stress and increase energy levels and improve concentration.

The plant is found in India and North Africa and it’s a much different taste when compared to the company’s Turmeric Moringa which I love.  This one is more spicy, earthy and peppery.

I drink it straight like this without anything added to it and for the most part, I do like how it does calm my nerves.

Taste-wise, I feel I’m quite biased to the Turmeric Moringa but the Turmeric Ashwagandha is not bad. It’s good, but it’s much different in taste and great for those who want a more peppery, earthy tea.

But I do recommend it!