The One about the Allerlife Dailly Wellness Support for Allergy Sufferers Vitality Capsules

For those who are wanting a dietary supplement that is formulated for allergy sufferers, Allerlife provides a 20-count bottle of Allerlife Dailly Wellness Support for Allergy Sufferers.

Please note that Allerlife does provide numerous products for allergy sufferers: Vitality, Sleep and Energize.

I am reviewing the Vitality version (which is caffeine-free), the others (Sleep) are for those who want a sound sleep and (Energize) those who want a caffeine infused day.

The Vitality product utilizes natural turmeric, astragalus root and a caffeine-free blend of Zinc and vitamins (B,C and D), so it is much different from Energize which does include the caffeine.

The 20-count (in which I’m guessing was decided on workdays, because I would have loved to have a 1-month, 31 day count) is good for a testing, to see if you feel comfortable with it.

Otherwise, if the product does work for you, Allerlife also provides these capsules in 60-count.

For the most part, I do like that their is a product formulated for allergy sufferers and its a supplement worth checking out.  Allerlife Dailly Wellness Support for Allergy Sufferers Vitality Capsules is worth giving a try!