The One about When Will I Ever Travel Internationally Again?

It’s hard to believe how 2019 was an awesome year of traveling and how 2020…

I don’t think anyone had envisioned life changing as it has due to the coronavirus.  But for a lot of us, life changed.

It was over a month ago I wrote about traveling to locations when the coronavirus was just spreading around China and a few areas.

But here we are, mid-March, events canceled worldwide, travel plans canceled for many, travel areas have become ghost towns, supermarkets with no disinfectant, no toilet paper, water, etc.

Now our focus turns to washing hands, taking care of oneself and making sure your elderly parents are OK.

Life has changed.

I have hope that life will get better once again, when a vaccine is discovered.

Let’s hope for the best…but right now, as countries are closing and are taking drastic measures, let’s send a prayer to our first responders, our healthworkers, our nurses, our doctors… As the coronavirus continues to spread, there are those who haven’t grasped on to the seriousness of this virus and think it’s no different from the common cold.

Those who are not willing to compromise their lifestyle.

I truly do understand.  It sucks.

But things are going to get worse.  No matter how many healthcare professionals say how bad things are going to get…no one truly understands the gravity of the situation but those who prepared in advance.

I’m not sure how much more will change…but drastic times, call for drastic measures.

As for when will ever travel again?  Not sure.  Once a vaccine is made?  But will this virus become seasonal like a flu?  It’s hard to say.

I know many younger travelers could care less and are taking advantage of the travel deals that are ongoing and are traveling right now.  Some who are saying this is more of a Boomer problem that won’t affect the millennial.

For me, it goes beyond what I think.  I return to a family, friends, co-workers and the last thing I want to be responsible for is bringing a virus from another country and infecting others.

Right now, my priority is protecting the people around me and doing what I can to inform people the best I can.  I know the negative news is constant, informing people of what is happening in other countries.  But I do believe that we must learn from what’s happening elsewhere and prepare.

There is a lot of doubt about covid19.  But if I can change one doubtful person’s mind and let them know that they should be prepared, that they should wash their hands and they should take this virus seriously.  Then I’m good.