Travel Guide – Japan: The One about over-the-counter Intestinal related medications (bloating, diarrhea, constipation, lactose intolerance, gas, antacid, probiotics, psyllium fiber)

One of the popular sections that people look for on my blog are medications while in Japan that they can pick up at a pharmacy.

I covered medications for colds, allergies, headaches to mosquito repellent:

The One about Cold Medicine for Children

The One about Medicine and Drug Stores in Japan

The One about What to Buy for Mosquito Repellent and Anti-Itch Medication for Mosquito Bites in Japan

but what about over-the-counter intestinal issues such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, etc.?

Fortunately, you can find a pharmacy (kusuri-ya) nearby. May it be the local CVS or drugstore, you need to make sure you have your Google Translate app ready or remember this kanji: 薬 (which means medicine and in Japan, you pronounce it as kusuri – koo-soo-ri).

But there are a few important things to know about medicine in Japan.

For one, unlike the United States where you can take a pill every four hours or once a day, in Japan, the medicine is much weaker, so you are taking more than what you are used to.  So, don’t be alarmed if the instructions recommend three times a dose.

Before I go on, it’s important to DO YOUR RESEARCH before purchasing medicine and know it’s contents. I am not a doctor or a pharmacist, so do your research and ask around in Japan to make sure you get the medication you need.

If you are at a pharmacy, it may be best to use this page as a reference and show them the image of what you need.  They will either have it in stock or will have another version made by another pharmaceutical company for you to purchase.

Amazon Japan has the warning labels on their site, so you may want to input the text on Google Translate, just in case you have allergies towards certain medication.



Acid Reflux (酸逆流/Sangyakuryu) – (San-Gee-Ya-Koo-Ri-Yu)

Antacid (制酸剤/Seisanzai) – (Say-San-Zai)

Bloating (鼓腸 – Kocho) (Ko-Cho)

Constipation (便秘 – Benpi) (Ben-Pee)

Diarrhea (下痢 – Geri) (Geh-ri)

Gas (おなら/Onara) – (Oh-Na-Ra)

Lactose Intolerance (乳糖不耐症/Nyūtōfutaishō) (New-Yu-To-Foo-Tai-Sho)

Probiotics (プロバイオティクス) (Pronounced the same in English)

Stomach Ache (腹痛/Fukutsu) (Foo-koot-su)

Psyllium Fiber (サイリウム繊維/Psyllium Seni or オオバコ/Oobako) (oh-bako)

Dietary Fiber (食物繊維/Shokumotsu Seni) (Sho-koo-mo-tsu Se-nee)

Biofermin S Tablet (ビオフェルミンS)

Biofermin S introduces good bacteria into the stomach.  Many people feel this is great for those who are lactose intolerant, those who are bloated, have abdominal pain or have constipation.  Those who have IBS have given this positive reviews on Amazon.

Tsuyo Miyarisan (強ミヤリサン)

This helps with people in regulating bowel movements, diarrhea, constipation, excessive gas and bloating.

Recommended is 15-years-old and up – 3 tablets, people age 11-15 years – 2 tablets and ages 5-11 – 1 tablet.   Not for 5 years old and younger.

Colac II (コーラックII)

Colac II is a stool softener which uses Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, so it is effective for constipation.

For ages 15 or older, one does is 1 to 3 tables once a day.  For 11-14 year old, 1 to 2 tablets per dose once a day and not recommended for children under the age of 11.

Daichi Sankyo Ichoyaku (ビオラクターゼ)/Daichi Sankyo Ichoyaku Plus (第一三共胃腸薬プラス細粒)

Daichi Sankyo has two medications for stomach aches, excessive belching, nausea, heartburn and helps in digestion.  The first is normal and the second is Plus (helps with stomach bloating, diarrhea and constipation).  Both are too be taken after meals with water.

The first one is the normal version and for 15 and older, 3 capsules three times a day, take after meals.  11-15-year-olds: 2 capsules up to three times a day, 8-11 takes 1 capsules up to three times a day, 5-8 year old: 1 capsule, up to three times a day, do not take if you are three years or younger.

Bioractase (ビオラクターゼ)

From Yoneda Pharmaceutical Industry is Biolactase (or as it’s said in Japan – Bioractase) and is for people who feel bloated, have indigestion, loose stools, constipation).

Depending on what version you get, age 15 or older can take 4 tablets, 8 to 14 can take two tables and 5 to 7 can take one tablet, three times a day after a meal.

Biofermin Geridome (ビオフェルミン下痢止め)

For 15 and older, take three tablets (1 dose) – three times a day

For 11 to 14 – take two tables (1 dose) – three times a day

NOT FOR UNDER THE AGE OF 11 or younger

Stop Geridome EX (ストッパ下痢止めEX)

Targeted towards diarrhea prevention.  Comes in 12 or 24 tablets, you can take it with our without water and made for those who have sudden to painful diarrhea.

15 or older, 1 tablet every four hours (limit is three times a day)

Do not take if you are under 15 years old!

Gaspitan (ガスピタン)


For those who have excessive gas, Gaspitan is for you!

15 years or older, take one tablet, three times a day.  Do not take if you are under 15!

Gastor (ガストール)

Gastor is an antacid and works on gastric acid and used for stomach pain, heartburn, burping, upset stomach.

Adults (15 and over) Take three tablets in one dose up to three times a day after each meal with water.

Do not take if you are 15 and under.

Panshiron Cure SP (パンシロンキュアSP)

This is marketed for those suffering from acid reflux and controls stomach acid and relieves pain and heartburn.

15 and older – 1 capsule per does, three times a day

Do not take if you are under 15 years old!

Biora Lactobacillus Supplements

Contains 5 positive bacteria (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, EC-12, H-61and K-1)  per tablet.  Take one tablet a day.  Features a yogurt flavor.

Psyllium Fiber (Oobako)

In Japan, psyllium fiber (psyllium seni) are similar to how Metamucil is sold in the US.  They are powdered form to be added in water or other drinks.  Oobako Diet is one of the numerous powdered forms you will find at stores.

For those who use chia seeds and psyllium fiber for their drinks or smoothies, will want to try Itoh’s “Chia Seed and Oobako” packets.

In fact, Nissin sells a lot of products like they do with Cup Noodle, but marketed as Psyllium Noodle.

But you can also find dietary fiber (Shokumotsu Seni) products such as the following: