The One about Kusatsu Part 8: Yubatake at Kusatsu Onsen pt. B

In part A, we talked about the filtering process through the wooden boxes at the Yubatake (Hot Water Source).

This time, we see the final steps after going through the wooden boxes for filtration of the sulfur, then going through a waterfall or this wooden slide and water going to this pool of water which then goes out to onsen.

From the top picture of the right, you will see small bench areas and in between are also areas where people can rest their feet and try the water from the Yubatake.

I also have more video here:

You can watch a streaming live video from this part of Yubatake here:

In part A, we talked about the filtering process through the wooden boxes at the Yubatake (Hot Water Source).

Overall, Kusatsu is a wonderful place to visit and personally, if I had to do it again, I would stay about 2-3 days.

When I planned my trip, I only thought about spending a day at Kusatsu but what I didn’t know when I was there, was that there was one last train leaving and that was in the mid-afternoon.  So, unfortunately, I had to leave Kusatsu earlier than I would have hoped and I got back to Tokyo in the evening.

But despite the several hours I spent at Kusatsu, I really enjoyed it and going through the area via the bus, I knew in my heart that I will have to make my return to the Kusatsu again someday.

Hopefully soon!