The One about how hot California is right now and how it’s snowing in other states

In California, its’ currently 83 degrees, still hot.

But  Angela has been sending me photos this past week from Colorado and now in Nebraska which is experiencing 3-4 inches of snow and it’s 33 degrees.

I never had to grow up around any snow but being from a part of California where the only thing we experience is intense heat during the summer and thick fog during the winter, as a child, part of me had this thought of how awesome it would be to be for those who had snow.

In my head, thinking of other kids who had snowball fights, sledding in front of their home and such.

I guess as a child, you only think about those things but as you grow older and you talk to people who experienced snow, they talk about how scary it is to drive in traffic.  Those who moved are so happy to be far from the snow.

And I’ll take their word for it.

But if only technology was able to transport a little of that colder weather towards my part of California and make things cooler.  Hmm…

Speaking of technology that can change weather, we do have technology used for weather modification.

I know that planes would fly into clouds and release silver iodide in hopes to produce rain in drought areas, also to help prevent hail damage and prevent them from growing large.

Now, research is being conducted in South Africa and Mexico by using salt particles through hygroscopic seeding and it appears to be more effective than silver iodide.

In fact, earlier this year, it was revealed that China is launching the world’s first weather control machine and can modify weather in an area similar to the size of Alaska.

But that would be wonderful if technology can someday prevent major hurricanes and tornados.  Or to find ways to control weather and prevent drought in California and areas of Australia.

And like anything in life, you’ll have those who support the technology and those who are against it.

But for now, it’s still early October… Christmas stuff is starting to show up in stores and it’s really hard for me to even think about Christmas when it’s still over 80 degrees outside.