The One about My Personal Conflicts with My Hair

Hi everyone,

Another short blog post as I have been busy this week.

But how are you with your hair?  For me, I like to style things differently each year but I get in this conundrum of going short or going long.  For 2017, I went long and immediately after the New Year, I went back to having short hair.

And I regretted it.

I’m often having personal conflicts with my hair, how I want to style it.  Does it look like I have a major receding hairline, is my hair thinning?

Lol…I’ve always had personal conflicts with my hair that I’ve gone through various hairstyle to having this rastafari wannabe dreads that made my hair look like a nest to the ’80s curls and most often, the safe pomp.

I think the worst was when I shaved off my head after a bet…never again!

But as of today, my hair is slowly growing back longer and it’s now past my brows (YAY!).  Here is a short Tik Tok video of how long my hair has gotten…I guess it grows slowly?