The One about Growing your Own Celery and Green Onions/Scallions

When you read things like… “Never buy celery ever again” or “Never buy green onions/scallions again”.

As I tend to use these vegetable for dishes (or eat my celery with almond butter), it caught my attention.


As I eat celery M-F and go through a bag quite quickly, I like the idea of having a sustaining source of celery. So, as a test, I did try growing celery indoors by first cutting out the base and putting it a bowl with the base down and stalks facing on top. I have it placed on the windowsill. By day three, the stalks started to come out and by day seven, definitely a difference. I have since transferred it into a pot with potting soil to cover the base.

We’ll see how long it takes for the celery stalks to grow each week. I heard you can do the same with romaine lettuce as well and green onions.

Green Onions

It’s so simple as all it involves is putting green onion/scallion that has been used (with part of the white still on the vegetable) in a glass of water and that’s it.

For something so simple, I had to try it. One week later and you can see where I made the cut and how much of the green onion has grown back in seven days.

Just clip what you need for your dish and let the green onion continue to grow. Awesome!

And now, I’m interested in learning more about other vegetables that I often eat that I can grow from its original base.  I heard you can do it with romaine lettuce and I’m sure there are more!

And one quick thing I wanted to share, I added a few more after using them yesterday.  In 24 hours, look how quickly (the smaller scallions) have grown.  It’s amazing and no need for soil, just put them in a cup of water and they are good to go!

So, definitely keep checking in my vegetable section for other tests and to see how the progress of the celery and green onions go over time.