The One about “Beware of Hawks” at Enoshima Island

Throughout Enoshima Island, you will see signs of “Beware of Hawks”!

While most areas of Japan, the type of birds that you see around food areas are typically crows/ravens, pigeons or smaller birds, Enoshima Island and Shonan Beach are quite interesting because you will find hawks.

And because hawks can be quite aggressive and could care less who has food, they will dive bomb on you, may bite you and steal your food.

I saw it happen several times and saw a family with their kids buying ice cream and then immediately hawks coming for the attack to get their ice cream.  Another woman had food and she was hurt near her mouth.

While there are warnings at food stalls, many people don’t see the signs or can’t believe it.  So, they do it anyway.  But really, it’s not a good idea.

After seeing a group of girls who were eating nearly getting attacked, I wanted to do test to see if the hawks would react to the sound of plastic ruffling.

Needless to say, these hawks started to hover, one actually flew right above but it seems these hawks are quite smart about it.

Back in Minato, while at a museum, I have had huge ravens come by, sit near me, whap me in order to get my attention that they wanted food, which was very interesting.

But in Enoshima Island, never have I seen birds react this aggressive towards anyone with food and while I made this video not knowing they were hawks, needless to say, I didn’t expect to see the signs throughout the island.

Hawks main birds of prey are small animals such as small dogs and kittens, rabbits, ducks, chickens, guinea pigs and their primary target, the Eurasian eagle-owl and according to various sites, they do not do it for fun and games, they are seeking food or protecting its territory around a nesting area.

The kind of hawks you will find at Enoshima Island are Black Kite (Milvus Migrans) and is a medium-sized bird of prey.  They are considered opportunistic hunters and are more likely to scavenge and are found around Eurasia and parts of Australasia and Oceania.

In Australia, the aboriginal people blame the Black Kites which they have deemed as “Firehawks” for fires because they carry burning sticks to new locations in their beaks or talons.  Some feel they do this to help them search out small prey and insects.

But they figured out that humans, especially children eating food is a much easier target than them targeting small animals.

So, if you are planning to go to Enoshima Island, please take these warnings to heart…do not eat outside on the beach or at Enoshima Island as these birds will definitely swoop down and attack and grab your food.