The One about Making Sundried Tomatoes

One thing that I utilize a lot each month and it gets kind of pricey are purchases of sundried tomatoes.

One of the coolest things I invested earlier this year is a really good dehydrator and while roma tomatoes are ideal for dehydrating due to having less water, other tomoato varieties are pretty much 98% water.

But yesterday, I dehydrated a lot of cherry tomatoes from the evening to this early morning for nearly 11 hours at 158 degrees.

I have washed and kept a lot of the sundried cherry tomato bottles that I have used, so I added the sundried tomatoes, plus basil,oregano, thyme, and salt in a bottle with extra virgin olive oil.  And I was able to get a half dozen bottles filled.

And if anything, I’m looking forward to making my own sundried tomatoes, and while hoping for better tomato production during the summer, hopefully to make more without having to spend so much on sundried tomatoes ever again.