The One about Jodo Shinshu Jokoji in Adachi

While I was in Higashiko, Adachi, I explored the Jodo Shinshu Jokoji Temple.

I’m not too familiar with Buddhist sects but Jodo Shinshu (The True Essence of the Pure Land Teaching) is also known as Shin Buddhism.

Founded by former Tendai Japanese monk Shinran, Shin Buddhism is the most widely practiced branch of Buddhism in Japan. According to “Nihon Daihyakka Zensho (Nipponika)”, 20% of Japanese identify with this Budhhist sect.

The statue of the monk is Shinran and information about the Jodo Shinshu founder. Interesting history in regards to the religious/political divisions among Buddhist establishments at this time, especially as Shinran learned under Honen, an ex-Tendai monk. Shinran’s son Zenran and the trouble he created and more. It was very interesting to read.

It was also an interesting experience of learning about the competition of cemeteries. In Japan, there are agents, similar to Real Estate agents that find cemeteries and grave sites for families and as we are accustomed to seeing homes being advertised, in Japan, cemeteries are advertised with information to promote to families about the location and more. The advertising keying on keywords such as short walk from the station or plenty of parking.

Japanese cemetery costs and differences compared to the US. With a tombstone for the cemetery next to the area, it’s almost $20,000 (Y1,997,000) and they charge an annual administrative fee of around $140 a year (Y14,400). Also, the business of seeking ancestral tombs to relocate to the area was rather interesting. But it’s part of the big business of Japanese cemeteries I suppose.