The One about the Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Meguro – Part 2 – The Line to Rocco Princi – Spirito di Milano

Once you get inside the door of the Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Tokyo’s Meguro ward, you have several choices, go to the right for the merchandise store, go to the middle section for coffee, go straight left in order to get in line to order at Rocco Princi – Spirito di Milano or go upstairs to look around.  You can also look around the first floor.

But most people going inside, you will notice that for your first time, you feel inclined to follow everyone and everyone is pretty much getting in line to get food at Rocco Princi.

Lines are in the left, path for people to go up the stairs are on your right.  The line can get quite long but fortunately, Rocco Princi is prepared for the rush.

While lining up, you can see coffee cups on the wall and also be enamored by the origami wooden ceiling.

As you get closer down to the end of the stairs, you can see the many people waiting in line and the food that has been prepared.  The workers on the bottom are taking orders and making sure people are getting served, while in the back in the room surrounded by glass are the people preparing the food.  You can watch the employees carve the meat for the sandwiches.

And as you reach the first floor, you have a better look at the coffee area on the first floor.

As this section goes into the line, which takes about 20-30 minutes of waiting (or more depending on how many people are in line), I will go into the actual Rocco Prince in part 3!