The One about the Latest Ancestry DNA Update

Earlier this year (back in March 2018), I wrote the following:

Recently, I have noticed that Ancestry has made a few tweaks to their DNA section and it has done a much better job of starting to narrow things down to a region. When I last blogged about my DNA results, it would just feature Asia East, Asia South and Polynesia but noticed that it started to narrow things down to Philippines and Guam.

For the most part, through each update, they were consistently the following:I am not surprised by the Philippines, as I am Filipino and it’s good to see it go from Asia East to now focusing on the Philippines and Guam area.

What I am surprised is the loss of the 3% Asia South and now my DNA having 1% Ireland and Scotland.

I’ll be truthful…I wouldn’t expect that in a million years.  But considering my mom, my great grandfather and even my brother are light-skinned, while I am much darker than them, I would expect the 1% to be on my brother side if anything.

Granted, with the next update, this may all change but if it stays consistent…  Maybe I’ll purchase a kilt, drink some ale and celebrate that 1%.

I really need to think about this one… Now for those of you who did the update for Ancestry recently, was there a big change for you?

For Angela, ever since I met her, she would always say she was German.  But her DNA kept showing England and other areas and not Germany.

But with the recent update, it now shows her 52% Germanic Europe and 40% England, Wales and Northwestern Europe.  And 8% from other regions, but she should be happy with this latest update that it reaffirms her German roots.

My brother also updated his and he received a 100% Filipino.

So, this latest update for Ancestry is now more spot on than the previous years, but for me, I have to admit..1% Ireland/Scotland?   Something I would never ever expect.